Çârgâh Âyîn – Kutbü’n-nâyî Osmân Dede

Lyrics: Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî
Composer: Kutbü’n-nâyî Osmân Dede

Mevlânâ Jelaluddin Rûmî (1207 – 1273)

The great Sufi Hz. Mevlânâ Muhammed Celâleddîn, known worldwide by the name “Rumi” was born on 30th September 1207 in Balkh, today’s Afghanistan. He has come to Anatolia together with his family during his childhood, and passed in Konya on 17th December 1273.

The Sufi reality of Hz. Mevlânâ is based on “divine love”. Therefore, he is called “the Sultan of Love”. Love, which is the essence of existence, creation and life, is an attribution to Allah the Exalted. To fall in love with anyone apart from Allah is a passing fancy. Love is the only remedy for diseases, the only solution for troubles.

In the ideology of Hz. Mevlânâ and other Sufis, love means the Real Divine Love that is for Allah, and not the physical corporeal love pertaining to mankind, nor even figurative love. For Hz. Mevlânâ, the love pertaining to mankind is not condemned since it is deemed as a means to reach Reality. However, the eternity of Real Love and the temporariness of the love pertaining to mankind are strongly emphasized.
“Love is an attribution to Allah who does not need and plead with anyone. Falling in love with anyone other than Him is a passing fancy.”

“Our mother is love, our father is love. We are born from love. We are love. The Slave of Love bridges to Divine Love…”

“The craziness of Real Love takes humans to God.”

Kutbü’n-nâyî Osmân Dede (1642/1652? – 1729)

He became a Mevlevî by serving under Gavsî Dede in the Galata Mevlevî Lodge in 1672, where he learned Arabic and Persian and studied the ney. Osmân Dede worked as the head of the ney-players for 18 years and became the Sheikh of the Mevlevî Lodge in 1697. He remained as Sheikh for 33 years before passing away in 1729. He was interred in the graveyard of the Lodge.

His virtuosity can be understood from the soubriquet “qutub of the ney players” which means, “the greatest ney-performer of the time.”

Osmân Dede was also interested in the theory of our music and his note-writing system was published.

Çârgâh Âyîn-i Şerîf’s Lyrics

First Selâm

آتش نزند در دلِ ما الّا هو
كوته نكند منزلِ ما الّا هو
گر عالمیان جمله طبیبان باشند
حلّی نكند مشكلِ ما الّا هو

Âteş ne-zened der dil-i mâ illâ Hû
Kûteh ne-küned menzil-i mâ illâ Hû
Ger âlemiyân cümle tabîbân bâşend
Hallî ne-küned müşkil-i mâ illâ Hû

Rubâ’î, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlün fa’ (1st, 2nd and 4th verses)
mef’ûlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlün fâ’ (3rd verse)
by Evhadüddîn-i Kirmânî (Kanar, 1999: Rubâî no. 1724)

[Only ‘Allah’ is the one to enflame our hearts.
Only ‘Allah’ is the one to shorten our paths.
If all humans were to be healers,
Only ‘Allah’ would be the cure for our troubles.]

با آنكه از پیوستگی من عشق گشتم عشق من
بیگانه می باشم چنین با عشق از دستِ فتن

Bâ ân ki ez peyvestegî men aşk(ı) geştem aşk(ı) men
Bîgâne mî bâşem çünîn bâ aşk(ı) ez dest-î fiten

Recez, müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 1808, 1st couplet)

[Birleşmekle benim aşk olmama, aşkın ben olmasına rağmen, fitnelerin eliyle aşkla böyle yabancı oluyorum.]

امروز سماع است و مُدام است و سَقایی
گردان شدە بر جمع قدحهایِ عطایی
فرمانِ سَقی الله رسیدە است بنوشید
این تن همە جان شوق ز اخوانِ صفایی

İmrûz(i) semâ’est_ü müdâmest_ü sakâyî
Gerdân şüde ber cem’(i) kadehhâ-yi atâyî
Fermân-ı sekallâh(ı) resîdest(i) bi-nûşîd
În ten heme cân şevk(i) zi ihvân-ı safâyî

Hezec, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlü fe’ûlün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 2635, 1st and 2nd couplets)

[Today there is Sema, there is wine, there is the cupbearer, there is the giving.
The cups are passed throughout the gathering.
Allah’s order to drink has arrived; enjoy the feast.
With the spirit of the brethren of joy, this body has become pure soul.]

بیایید بیایید كە دلدار رسیده است
بیایید بیایید كە گلزار دمیده است

Bi-yâyîd(i) bi-yâyîd(i) ki dildâr(ı) resîdest
Bi-yâyîd(i) bi-yâyîd(i) ki gülzâr(ı) demîdest

Hezec, mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlü fe’ûlün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 329, 1st couplet)

[Come, come, the beloved has arrived;
Come, come, the rose garden has blossomed.]

سورۀ وَاللّیْل دیدم وصفِ گیسویِ شماست
والضُّحی خواندم سراسر نسخۀ رویِ شماست
آیت آیت تا بە سویِ قَابَ قَوْسَیْن آمدم
چون نظر كردم بدیدم طاقِ ابرویِ شماست

Sûre-î Ve’l-leyl(i) dîdem vasf-ı gîsû-yî şümâst
Ve’d-duhâ hândem serâser nüsha-î rûy-î şümâst
Âyet_âyet tâ be sûy-î kâbe kavseyn_âmedem
Çün nazar kerdem bi-dîdem tâk-ı ebrû-yî şümâst

Remel, fâ’ilâtün fâ’ilâtün fâ’ilâtün fâ’ilün

[I have seen the the Surah of Ve’l-leyli , it is the character of your lovelocks;
I have read the Surah of Ve’d-duha , it is the exact version of your face.
Ayat by ayat, I came to ‘Kabe Kavseyn’ .
When I looked at it, I saw that (it) was the arcs of your eyebrows.]

Second Selâm

سلطانِ منی سلطانِ منی
اندر دل و جان ايمانِ منی
در من بدمی من زنده شوم
يک جان چه شود صد جانِ منی

Sultân-ı menî sultân-ı menî
Ender dil_ü cân_îmân-ı menî
Der men bi-demî men zinde şevem
Yek cân çi şeved sad cân-ı menî

Unknown vezin, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlün fe’ilün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 3137, 1st and 2nd couplets)

[You are my Sultan, you are my Sultan,
and in my heart and soul, you are my faith.
When you breathe into me, I become alive; what is the value of one life?
You are worth a hundred lives to me.]

ای عاشقان ای عاشقان من خاك را گوهر كنم
ای مطربان ای مطربان دفّ شما پر زر كنم

Ey âşıkân_ey âşıkân men hâk(i) râ gevher künem
Ey mutrıbân_ey mutrıbân deff-î şümâ pür zer künem

Recez, müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 1374, 1st couplet)

[Oh lovers, oh lovers! I shall turn soil into jewels;
Oh musicians, oh musicians! I shall fill your “deff” with gold.]

Third Selâm

ای شهد نوشینِ لبت پاك از همە آلودگی
بنْشین كە تا باز ایستد چشمم ز خون آلودگی

Ey şehd(i)nûşîn-î lebet pâk_ez hemê âlûdegî
Binşîn ki tâ bâz_îs(i)ted çeşmem zi hûn-pâlûdegî

Recez, müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün müstef’ilün

[Oh, (beloved)! The one who tastes the honey of your lips is clean from all stains.
Sit with me so that I don’t weep blood.]

ای كە هزار آفرین بو نیجە سلطان اولور
قولی اولان كیشیلر خسرو و خاقان اولور
هر كە بوگون ولدە اینانوبن یوز سورە
یوقصول ایسە بای اولور بای ایسە سلطان اولور

Ey ki hezâr_âferîn bû nice sultân_olur
Kûlı olan kîşiler husrev_ü hâkân_olur
Her ki bu gün Vêled’ê înanuben yüz sürê
Yoksul_isê bây_olur bây_ise sultân_olur

Münserih, müfte’ilün fâ’ilün müfte’ilün fâ’ilün
by Ahmed Eflâkî Dede (Uzluk, 1962: p. 295-296)

[Let there be a thousand praises for such an (exalted) sultanate.
(For) His servants become kings and emperors.
Whoever today trustingly humbles himself before (Sultan) Veled will,
If a pauper, become a prince; if a prince, become a sultan.]

این خانە که پیوستە در او چنگ و چغانە است
از خواجە بپرسید كە این خانە چە خانە است
چون روزِ قیامت كە كسی را سرِ كس نیست
از ذوق ندانست فلانست و فلانە است

În hâne ki peyveste der_ô çeng_u çegânest
Ez hâce bi-pursîd(i) ki în hâne çi hânest
Çûn rûz-i kıyâmet ki kesî râ ser-i kes nîst
Ez zevk(i) ne-dânist(i) fülânest_ü fülânest

Hezec, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlü fe’ûlün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 332, 1st couplet and different 13th couplet)

[Ask the master, what kind of house this is, the one with “çeng u çegâne.”
On the day of the Last Judgement, when nobody cares for anybody else,
Noone knows anyone else because of joy.]

بشنو تو ز نی چه ها چه ها می گوید
اسرارِ نهفتە كبریا می گوید
رخ زرد درون تهی و سر دادە بە باد
بی نطق و زبان خدا خدا می گوید

Bişnev tü zi ney çihâ çihâ mî gûyed
Esrâr-ı nühüfte kibriyâ mî gûyed
Ruh zerd(i) derûn tehî vü ser dâde be bâd
Bînutk_u zebân Hudâ Hudâ mî gûyed

Rubâ’î, mef’ûlü mefâ’ilün mefâ’îlün fa’ (1st, 2nd and 4th verses)
mef’ûlü mefâ’ilün mefâ’îlü fe’ûl (3rd verse)

[Listen to the ney, it tells such and such…
It tells about the hidden secrets of Allah.
Its face is yellow, its inside empty, and it has lost its head;
Speechless, without tongue, it is saying Allah, Allah…]

مَوْلایِ اَنَا التَّائِبُ مِمِّا سَلَفا
هَلْ یُقْبَلُ عُذْرُ عاشِقٍ قَدْ تَلَفا
إنْ كانَ نَدامَتِی صُدُودًا وَ جَفا
مَوْلایِ عَفَی اللِّهُ عَفَی اللَّهُ عَفا

Mevlâye ene’t-tâibü mimmâ selefâ
Hel yukbelü özrü âşıkin kad telefâ
În kâne nedâmetî sudûden ve cefâ
Mevlâye afallâhü afallâhü afâ

Rubâ’î, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlü mefâ’îlü fe’ul (1st and 4th verses)
mef’ûlü mefâ’ilün mefâ’îlü fe’ul (2nd and 3rd verses)
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Rubâî no. 69)

[Oh Allah! I repent for my past.
Would you accept the apology of a lover that has perished?
Even though my regret itself is an atonement and a torment,
Oh Allah! Allah forgive, Allah forgive, forgive!]

باز رسیدیم ز میخانە مست
باز رهیدیم ز بالا و پست

Bâz(ı) resîdîm(i) zi meyhâne mest
Bâz(ı) rehîdîm(i) zi bâlâ vü pest

Seri’, müfte’ilün müfte’ilün fâ’ilün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 515, 1st couplet)

[We have once again returned intoxicated from the inn;
We are once again free from all highs and lows.]

باز از آن كوهِ قاف آمد عنقایِ عشق
باز بر آمد ز جان نعرۀ هیهایِ عشق
عشق ندایِ بلند كرد بە آوازِ پست
كای دلِ بالا نگر در قدِ بالایِ عشق

Bâz(ı) ez_ân kûh-i Kâf_âmed Ankâ-yı aşk
Bâz(ı) ber_âmed zi cân na’re-i heyhâ-yı aşk
Aşk(ı) nidâ-yî bülend kerd(i) be âvâz-ı pest
Key dil-i bâlâ niger der kad-i bâlâ-yı aşk

Münserih, müfte’ilün fâ’ilân müfte’ilün fâ’ilân
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 1311, 1st and 8th verses)

[Once again, the Phoenix of Love came from Mount Kaf;
Once again, the outcry of love has started pouring from the heart,
Love, in a low voice, has made a high call;
(It said) Oh, almighty heart! Behold the lofty height of love.]

کجاست مطربِ دل تا ز نعرههایِ صلا
درافکند دمِ او در هزار سر سودا
چو آفتابِ جمالت بر آمد از مشرق
ز ذره ذره شنیدم که نِعْمَ مولانا

Kücâst(ı) mutrıb-ı dil tâ zi na’rehâ-yı salâ
Der_efkened dem-i ô der hezâr(ı) ser sevdâ
Çü âfitâb-ı cemâlet ber_âmed_ez meşrik
Zi zerre zerre şinîdem ki ni’me Mevlânâ

Müctes, mefâ’ilün fe’ilâtün mefâ’ilün fe’ilün/fa’lün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 223, 1st and 7th couplets)

[Where are the musicians of the heart, may their call spread love among thousands.
When (as) the sun of your beauty appeared from the East, I heard from every particle: “How beautiful is Allah!”]

Fourth Selâm

سلطانِ منی سلطانِ منی
اندر دل و جان ايمانِ منی
در من بدمی من زنده شوم
يک جان چه شود صد جانِ منی

Sultân-ı menî sultân-ı menî
Ender dil_ü cân_îmân-ı menî
Der men bi-demî men zinde şevem
Yek cân çi şeved sad cân-ı menî

Unknown vezin, mef’ûlü mefâ’îlün fe’ilün
(Dîvân-ı Kebîr, Gazel no. 3137, 1st and 2nd couplets)

[You are my Sultan, you are my Sultan,
and in my heart and soul, you are my faith.
When you breathe into me, I become alive; what is the value of one life?
You are worth a hundred lives to me.]

Translated by Dr. Adem Merter Birson & Gökmen Derda Malal